NYSE (N1) Dataset

Market: New York Stock Exchange
Number of stocks: 23
Number of days: 6179 (25 years)
Period: Jan 1, 1985 to Jun 30, 2009
Other info:  Contains very large market cap stocks.  Source: http://finance.yahoo.com. Another reference source is http://www.szit.bme.hu/~oti/portfolio/.
Related articles: To add.
Stock Composition:
  1. ahp
  2. alcoa
  3. amer_brands
  4. coke
  5. comm_metals
  6. dow_chem
  7. Dupont
  8. ford
  9. ge
  10. gm
  11. hp
  12. ibm
  13. ingersoll
  14. jnj
  15. kimb-clark
  16. kin_ark
  17. Kodak
  18. merck
  19. mmm
  20. morris
  21. p_and_g
  22. schlum
  23. sher_will

Created: 01/2009, Last Modified: 04/2010, by Bin.