Research Interests
Long-term Research Goal: To make smart computer programs for "learning to make our world better". ( Research Statement )
Research Areas and Contributions:
To accomplish the ultimate goal in the long run, I have worked hard in both theoretical and practical aspects of machine learning and data mining. In particular, my research contributions cover both fundamental research on machine learning methodology and practical research on real-world application areas, ranging from multimedia information retrieval, to computer vision and pattern recognition, social media, web search and data mining, computational finance, medical imaging, etc . Below gives a summary of my major research contributions, which are divided into three major categories: (i) foundation of machine learning, (ii) multimedia inforamtion systems, and (iii) knowledge discovery & intelligent systems.
Foundation of Machine Learning
- Machine Learning: Deep Learning, Online Learning, active learning, kernel learning, distance metric learning, semi-supervised learning, etc.
- Big Data Analytics: Larg-scale data classification, data clustering (semi-supervised clustering), online anomaly/outlier detection, etc.
Multimedia Information Systems
- Multimedia Information Retrieval: collaborative multimedia retrieval, content-based image/video retrieval, relevance feedback, etc.
- Social Media & Web Mining: Social media analytics, social image search, social media data mining, web image mining, etc.
- Multimedia Information Systems: multimedia content analysis, duplicate Image/video detection, multi-modal fusions, etc.
Knolwedge Discovery & Intelligent Systems
- Computational Finance: on-line portfolio selection, automated/algorithmic trading system, quantitative Investment, etc.
- Computer Vision & Recognition Systems: face recognition, alignment & annotation, object detection, tracking & recognition, etc.
- Bioinformatics: binding hotspot prediction, protein-protein interactions, biological data mining, etc.
- Software Engineering: automated software process evaluation, statistical debugging, software reliability, etc.